Hello there, fellow human!
Welcome to my personal blog! Glad you are here.
Like you, I have many areas of interest. And you will find here a collection
of my posts on varying topics which are not confined to my "professional"
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There may be some topics that pop up more than others.
Technology posts are mostly about web development,
and may be more relatable to people who have found me for my development
work. More opinionated personal posts are where I
talk about stuff I find interesting because of their potential to help
others as much as they have helped me.
I strive to keep things organized, and have created a page that lists
all topics I have covered so far. However, other
topics are likely to be added in the future.
Thank you for the interest in reading. I look forward to any feedback or
even the possibility of collaboration. Hit me up about any topic you find
here! Below are my contact details.
- email: ayo[at]ayco[dot]io
~ Ayo Ayco