Feels FM: An Emoji-Powered Jukebox for Your Mental Health

There’s nothing worse for your productivity than an anxiety or depression attack. What if, just for the mean time, you don’t have to talk to anyone to get your mood up?
Here’s a tool that just might help when you don’t feel like going out or doing anything at all.
Feels FM is an emoji-powered radio. It’s really simple to use, you can do it even on days when you have zero motivation. Just choose an emoji that best represents your feels, answer some really simple questions like your birth year, and BOOM: a personalized music playlist to brighten up your day!
I’m listening to a playlist now as I write this. I have to say the music selection is on-point! You can even save the playlist to your Spotify account. Neeeeeat!
The web app was made in collaboration with mental health charity “See Me”. It aims to create a playful, interactive space where young people can share how they are feeling without the pressure of having to have a ‘big conversation’.
Check it out for yourself at https://feelsfm.co.uk