Infor M3
Infor’s most powerful ERP cloud software. I worked on two frontend projects, namely: M3H5 -Web UI using JQuery; and M3UX2 -rewrite project of M3H5 using Angular.
My Role: Software Engineer
- contributed significant expertise in 3 projects under Infor M3, - M3 App Designer - worked on the project from POC leading to Infor’s flagship ERP no-code app builder - M3UX2 - developed a modernized rewrite of M3H5 using Angular - M3H5 - engaged in the development of features and bug-fixing using JQuery
- deliver high-quality web front-end modules
- coordinate software development with Infor offices outside the Philippines
- train software developers within the company
Technologies: Angular, NgRx, Nx Workspace, Webpack, NodeJS, BEM, SCSS, HTML, Typescript, Git, Agile Development, Karma, Jasmine, ESLint, SonarScanner, Jasmine-Given, Jira, GitLab